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Lola Express, CCSD Board of Trustees Corruption Exposed
Lola Express, CCSD Board of Trustees Corruption Exposed. October 16th, 2022. By Stephen Phillips
Updated November 7th, 2022
This article will focus on the event’s that occurred during the October 13th, 2022 C.C.S.D. Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:00pm pst. To get brought up to speed on the CCSD Board of Trustees Corruption issue check out our previous article C.C.S.D. Board of Trustees Timeline. Also don’t forget to check out our latest article CCSD Trustee Member Smear Campaign Exposed! An Expose
Before we get into the events that occurred during the meeting. I want to briefly touch on the interference i was getting when trying to setup the live stream for this meeting.
One of the first things i do when preparing a live stream is open up my account dashboard. is a multi streaming service
that allows you to stream to multiple platforms simultaneously. Below is a screenshot of the notification i received on my dashboard. Shortly after attempting to start the live stream of the ccsd board meeting on October 13th, 2022.
After multiple attempts to get the live stream going.
I Managed to get the live stream working through Facebook directly about 45 minutes into the board meeting. After having caught the C.C.S.D. Board (aka “The Lola Express”) off guard on Sept 29th, 2022. When they held that special Board meeting on Jara’s Review, in which they did not announce to the public. It does not surprise me that they would have tried to stop me from streaming this time.
But Alas The Lola Express Could Not Stop The Truth From Being Broadcast.
With that being said. Let’s begin our coverage on the “Lola Express” Meeting Itself.
For the purposes of this article we will stick to the most relevant parts of this meeting.
Namely the corruption with the Sped (Special Education) money in general.
Let’s begin with the Board’s Discussion in regards to Sped, and the Federal Funding therein.
Danielle Ford kicks off this portion of the meeting by asking the question on everyone’s mind. But which no one on the board except her will talk about or bring up. This Segment is from the Board Discussion right before they opened up Item 5.01 for public comment on non agenda items. (It should be noted that at time code 14:52 Trustee Cavazos Brings up a clarification regarding the Federal Funding in regard to Sped). She then makes this shocking statement in response to Trustee Lola Brooks clarification.
“We are already required to meet federal guidelines, we’re just not doing so”
Trustee Linda Cavazos, CCSD Board of Trustees Member, CCSD October 13th, 2022 at time code 15:43 on the video below
In response to Linda Cavazos Acknowledging that Federal Guidelines are not currently being met.
The audience begins to clap their hands for Trustee Cavazos having the courage to tell the truth. At which point Trustee Morales Interjects and stops Trustee Cavazos mid sentence to scold the audience(time code 15:55).
“I’m not going to entertain that behavior from the audience”
Evelyn Garcia Morales, CCSD Board of Trustees Vice President. CCSD October 13th, 2022 at time code 15:55 on the video below
The “Lola Express” meeting then segue’s into Item 5.01 Public Comment on Items Not Listed as Action Items on the Agenda. Beginning with Kinder garden teacher Amy Pritchard as she airs her grievances about the board not being in compliance with Nevada State Law Senate Bill 293, which is a labor law. Following Amy Pritchard, the public comment segue’s into Public Comment regarding the Sped funding by multiple speakers Here is our coverage of their public comment.
Let’s take another look at this same segment from this “Lola Express Meeting” from another angle.
Just Look at those reactions… Absolutely Telling & Priceless.
Members of the Board (“Lola Express”) and some of the audience were provided with documented evidence, and proof of a coverup of a police report from a November 8th 2019 Incident at Fremont middle school. Perpetrated by the Clark County School District and Daniel E. Ebihara CCSD Director of Compliance.
Unfortunately we have been asked to remove this evidence from our article per request.
We apologize to our readers for the inconvenience of this request as we always prefer to show evidence of our claims to back them up. However when we are petitioned to remove evidence from an article per the owner of said evidence’s request. We take that very seriously and hold ourselves to the highest standard under the law.
The evidence given to the board and members of the audience proves
an attempt to cover up the police report from the Nov 8th, 2019 Incident which occurred at Fremont Middle School in Las Vegas, NV. It should be noted that Current Board President Madame Irene Cepeda. Was the Trustee Responsible for the district which Fremont Middle School resides in at the time of the incident.
This Board Meeting was by far one of the most out of touch meetings i have ever witnessed.
Clearly a complete and utter circus. Being anything but a rational Board Meeting, this just begins to look more and more like the “Lola Express!”
Let’s take a look at what some of the other public Speakers said regarding Sped (Special Education) money at this “Lola Express” meeting.
The admission by Board(“Lola Express”) member Cavazos
In Conjunction with the reactions by Jara and others after the first public Comment on the Sped funding issue. In addition to all the evidence provided to some of the board members, and all the public speakers regarding the sped issue in Agenda Item 5.01 public comment. We can clearly conclude that there is definitely some shady business going on behind the scenes. And we can further conclude that there is a concerted effort to cover up this fact. This is apparent because of the subsequent attempt to silence the public speakers from being seen on the ccsd live broadcast. In addition to the fact that comments have also been turned off. As well as many other obvious factors.
The main takeaway from all of this is that we the people are fighting back.
We have them (“Lola Express”) on the defensive, now is the time to start showing up in droves folks. If you have a grievance you would like to speak on but don’t feel heard by the board because of the censorship. Just know this. We Are Going To Be Covering Every CCSD Board (“Lola Express”) Meeting For The Foreseeable Future In Order To Keep An Independent Record Of These Meetings For Posterity. We Will Also Be Inviting Members Of The Public To Air Their Grievances On Our Platform So They Can Have A Visual Record Of Their Grievances Without Censorship! If you would like to schedule a interview to air your grievances. please send an email to
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